13 Road Trips Every Man Must Take

Enjoy the Ride

Whether you're heading cross-country or just across one state line, using these strategies can make your trip much more pleasant--and much safer.
Lose the junk in the trunk

As long as you can secure them, put the heaviest items in the backseat for better balance, says Tim O'Neil, owner of Team O'Neil Rally School in Dalton, New Hampshire.
Forget your schedule

Trips usually take 10 to 15 percent longer than planned, says Leon James, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of Hawaii and the author of Road Rage and Aggressive Driving. Accept this before you set out.
Put down your Corn Nuts

Keep your blood-sugar levels under control by eating fiber-rich apples and pears, says Monique Ryan, R.D., author of Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes.
Don't sip for a buzz

The caffeine in soda or coffee can overstimulate--causing you to crash (perhaps literally) later on. Drink water instead.
Stretch when you stop

Grab a pole about waist high and stand with your feet 18 inches away. Bring your head between your arms to stretch your upper back. Hold for 20 seconds, says Frank Fischetti, personal trainer for NASCAR driver Mark Martin. Next, stand on one leg. Once you're stable, reach down and touch your toes, with the raised leg going up and straight back behind you. Do 20 to keep your hamstrings and lower back loose. Switch sides and repeat.
Keep your focus

Glance at a road sign. Do your eyes focus quickly? If not, it's time to rest, O'Neil says. And remember: Even if your eyes (and bladder) don't need it, pull over at least every 3 hours.
Exit the Sandman

Even Metallica can eventually make you drowsy. The key is mixing up the music you listen to. Check radio-locator.com before you leave so you'll know what's on.

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